Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sun Up To Sun Down Is A Term That We Have All Used Or Heard

Sun up to sun down is a term that we have all used or heard at some point in our lives. It is generally used in reference to our long days at work. For the thousands of black slaves working on plantations in the 1800’s the term sun up to sun down was how long they were forced to work the fields every single day of the year. No vacation, no days off, and for some, not even a break during the day. Lashings were the discipline of choice for most masters, although some chose rape and even murder as a punishment for disobedience. Fall from exhaustion, lashing, disobey a command, lashing, not in the fields for work at sun up, lashing. The life of a slave was not an easy one, while free black people lived in the north, those in the south†¦show more content†¦The faster you ate the more food you got to eat. Sleeping arraignments were not much better than the food they had to eat. Fredrick Douglas writes â€Å"I had no bed. I must have perished with cold, but that, the cold est nights. I used to steal a bag which was used for carrying corn to the mill. I would crawl into this bag, and there sleep on the cold, damp, clay floor with my head and my feet out.† Slaves often slept in huts with nothing more than four walls and a roof and clay dirt for a floor. The children of slaves had a difficult life. Aside from being separated from their mothers to be raised by an elderly slave on the plantation, they were often tasked with slave duties as well. Being too young to work in the fields, a young slave could have several different jobs on the plantation. Some children were tasked with duties such as cleaning inside the main house. Slaves who worked inside the house, including children, slept in the main house on a pad away from their families who slept outside in the slave shacks. Some children were made to run errands for their master, keep the yards clean, or tend to the smaller livestock on the property. Children were not immune to the abuse that the adult received either. Education for a slave in the 1800’s was virtually non-existent. By denying slaves the ability to read and write their masters could more easily control them. Without the ability to read andShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of Two Newspapers1220 Words   |  5 Pagesmore serious than tabloids. They are read by audience with professional jobs are people educated in the university. Broadsheets cover political and educational news which the tabloids don’t cover up. They also cover foreign items. Broadsheets generally cover the news from all angles. The vocabulary and sentence structure are very complex. This essay will compare a broadsheet and a tabloid about Jack Straw’s decision to extradite Pinochet. 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