Friday, November 29, 2019

Effect of Oil Spills on Seafood

Purpose Statement The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of oil spills on seafood. It will also identify and discuss various solutions to the effects. Moreover, it will recommend measures that can be taken to prevent future oil spills in the sea.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Effect of Oil Spills on Seafood specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction This paper will shed light on the extent to which seafood has been adversely affected by oil spills. Although the effects of oil spills on seafood are numerous, this paper will focus only on three major effects. Empirical studies indicate that oil can adversely affect the health of sea plants and animals that come into contact with it. In this regard, it can contaminate seafood, thereby affecting the health of coastal populations negatively. Thus, oil spills are major problems that have to be addressed in order to prevent contamination of seafood. B ackground An oil spill refers to â€Å"an accidental release of liquid petroleum (crude or refined) into the environment, especially, large water bodies such as oceans† (Kaushik, 2006, p. 96). Seas provide seafood such as fish, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, seaweeds, and microalgae. Thus, discussing the effects of oil spills is important because it can provide insights that may help in maintaining a reliable supply of safe and high quality seafood. History of Oil Spills In the last four decades, increased exploration and transportation of oil through seas has led to several incidents of oil spills. In 1979, 140 million gallons of crude oil spilt into the Gulf of Mexico due to an accidental explosion in an oil well. In the same year, two oil tankers collided near the coast of Tobago, thereby spilling 88 million gallons of oil in the Caribbean Sea. In 2010, an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig led to discharge of over 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico ( Trevors Saier, 2010, pp. 1-3). Effects of Oil Spills on Seafood Reduced Supply of Seafood The supply of seafood often reduces significantly in the first six months after an oil spill. One of the reasons for the reduced supply is that oil contains toxic chemicals that poison sea animals (IEM, 2010, pp. 4-54). Empirical studies indicate that sea animals can be poisoned in several ways. To begin with, animals such as fish often breathe by obtaining oxygen from water through their gills. Thus, the toxic chemicals in the oil-contaminated water will clog the fish’s gills and spread to the rest of its body. Various fish species are also poisoned whenever they ingest contaminated food (IEM, 2010, pp. 4-54). For instance, most species of fish feed on planktons that are often contaminated with chemicals after an oil spill. Generally, most sea animals die immediately after being poisoned (IEM, 2010, pp. 4-54). This explains the reduction of the supply of seafood such as fish and crabs after an oil spill. Oil spills also cause severe injuries and damage to internal organs of sea animals. For instance, the immune systems of most fish, crabs, and lobsters become very weak after they come into contact with oil (Barron, 2012, pp. 315-320). This exposes the animals to disease-causing pathogens that ultimately cause their deaths (Gohlke, Doke, Fitzgerald, 2011, pp. 1062-1069).Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Similarly, the growth of edible sea plants such as microalgae is negatively affected by oil spills. In particular, oil deposits on the seafloor changes the composition of the soil and the ecosystem in the deep sea. As a result, several edible sea plants die as their supply of nutrients reduce. Contamination of Seafood Contamination of seafood is one of the short-term effects of oil spills. The chemicals ingested by edible sea animals pose a great health risk to the populations that depend on seafood (Gohlke, Doke, Fitzgerald, 2011, pp. 1062-1069). The digestive systems of most sea animals do very little to alter the chemicals ingested after an oil spill. Thus, human beings are equally at risk of being poisoned or falling sick after eating contaminated seafood (Griggs, 2014). Contamination of seafood is determined by the type of oil, how close the spill is to fishing grounds, and weather conditions (Gohlke, Doke, Fitzgerald, 2011, pp. 1062-1069). Alteration of the Genetic Composition of Seafood Change in the genetic composition of edible sea plants and animals is both a short-term and a long-term effect of oil spills. Oil deposits in the on the seafloor often trigger genetic reactions among fish, crabs, shrimps, and various species of sea plants. Alteration of the genetic composition of edible sea animals has the following effects. First, genetic reactions cause deformities that reduce the ability of sea animals such as shrimps, c rabs, and lobsters to survive in their environment (Upton, 2011, pp. 1-14). Most species of crabs often develop severe lesions when they come into contact with crude oil. The lesions increase the risk of fungal or bacterial infections among crabs. In addition, the lesions make the crabs unsafe for human consumption. Oil causes deformities or damage to the gills and liver of most species of fish. As a result, the fish develop complications such as cardiovascular failures that eventually lead to their death. In the first six months after the 2010 BP oil spill, the shrimps harvested in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida were found to be eyeless and their bodies had abnormal growths. In addition, most female shrimps had babies attached on their bodies. Second, genetic reactions cause fatal diseases among fish, shrimps, and edible sea plants. Sick fish can hardly survive in harsh sea conditions such as low temperatures and increased predation. Moreover, sick fish can cause severe health cond itions and diseases when consumed by human beings (Krisberg, 2010). Third, the reproduction rate of fish and other edible sea animals reduce significantly in the long-term as their genes react to the chemicals in oil (IEM, 2010, pp. 4-54).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Effect of Oil Spills on Seafood specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When the genes of fish change due to exposure to the chemicals in oil, their egg-bearing ability reduces sharply. Generally, several fish species fail to hatch their eggs after being exposed to oil. Moreover, the eggs that are able to hatch tend to be premature and their larvae are often deformed (Upton, 2011, pp. 1-14). These complications reduce the rate at which fish and other edible sea animals reproduce after an oil spill. The rate of reproduction can remain low for a very long time since oil deposits can stay on the seafloor for several years (Upton, 2011, pp. 1-14). Moreove r, significant genetic alteration can lead to extinction of some sea animals and plants. In this case, the overall effect will be a remarkable reduction in the supply of seafood in future. Solutions Cleaning Up the Spill One of the best solutions to the effects of an oil spill is to clean it up through the following strategies. First, booms and skimmers can be used to remove oil from the sea (Graham, 2010). This method prevents the spread of oil to key areas such the breeding grounds for fish. This helps in preventing contamination of seafood and destruction of edible sea organisms (Kaushik, 2006, p. 168). Second, dispersants can be used to accelerate the oil’s biodegradation rate. This improves the penetration of light and dissolution of oxygen in water, thereby enhancing the survival of edible sea plants and animals. Establishing Conservation Sanctuaries Conservation sanctuaries should be established to prevent significant reduction of the supply of seafood (Kaushik, 2006, p. 170). The sanctuaries can be used as breading grounds where endangered species of fish, crabs, and lobsters can reproduce in order to avoid extinction (Kaushik, 2006, p. 172). The sanctuaries can also be used to treat sick fish, lobsters, and crabs. Restoring the Sea Plant Population Biological agents can be used to remove oil deposits on the seafloor to allow sea plants to grow. The biological agents include microorganisms such as bacteria that break down oil into non-toxic substances such as carbon dioxide (Michel, Shigenaka, Hoff, 2013). As the biological agents remove the oil deposits, fertilizing nutrients can be added in the affected areas to accelerate the growth of edible sea plants. Recommendations First, oil spills in various seas can be prevented if alternative transportation methods are used. For instance, oil can be refined at source and transported via underground pipelines to various destinations. Moreover, advanced technologies that enhance the safety of oil vesse ls should be adopted to prevent oil spills during transportation.Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Second, regulation in the oil industry should focus on enhancing safety standards in offshore drilling rigs. Industry regulators should ensure that all oil companies adopt safety measures to prevent accidental oil spills that are attributed to system failures. This includes acquiring equipment that facilitates early detection of explosions at drilling rigs. Third, oil companies should be held responsible for the effects of oil spills. They should pay the cost of cleaning up the sea after an oil spill. This will encourage oil companies to engage in ethical behaviors and to avoid risky operations that can lead to unnecessary oil spills. Conclusion The effects of oil spills on seafood include reduced supply, contamination, and alteration of genetic composition. One of the best solutions to the effects of oil spills on seafood is to clean up the affected area as soon as possible. This helps in reducing the exposure of sea animals and plants to the toxic chemicals in oil, thereby prevent ing contamination of seafood. Oil spills can be prevented by improving regulation in the oil industry. References Barron, M. (2012). Ecological impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for immunotoxicity. Toxicologic Pathology, 40(1), 315-320. Gohlke, J., Doke, D., Fitzgerald, T. (2011). A review of seafood safety after the Deepwater Horizon blowout . Environ Health Perspective, 119(8) , 1062-1069. Graham, P. (2010). Deep sea oil cleanup techniques: Applicability, trade-offs and advantages.  Web. Griggs, T. (2014). Oil-hurricane mix could spell disaster for Gulf areas.  Web. IEM. (2010). A study of the economic impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. New York: IEM. Kaushik, A. (2006). Perspectives in Environmental Studies. New York, NY : McGrwa-Hill. Krisberg, K. (2010). U.S. Gulf oil spill poses public health threat: Responses targeting workers, residents, food, and air quality.  Web. Michel, J., Shigenaka, G. Hoff, R. (2013). Oils spill response and cle anup techniques.  Web. Trevors, J., Saier, M. (2010). The legacy of oil spills. Water Air Soil Pollut, 211(1) , 1-3. Upton, H. (2011). The Deeepwater Horizon oil spill and the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry. Washington D.C: Congressional Research Service . Evaluation of References Barron, M. (2012). Ecological impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for immunotoxicity. Toxicologic Pathology, 40(1), 315-320. This peer-reviewed journal article highlights the ecological effects of oil spills in the sea. Specifically, it highlights the effects the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, it is useful in obtaining information concerning the health effects of oil on edible sea animals and plants. Gohlke, J., Doke, D., Fitzgerald, T. (2011). A review of seafood safety after the Deepwater Horizon blowout . Environ Health Perspective, 119(8) , 1062-1069. This is a peer-reviewed journal article that provides insights on the effects of oil spill on seafood . It sheds light on issues such as contamination of seafood after an oil spill. Graham, P. (2010). Deep sea oil cleanup techniques: Applicability, trade-offs and advantages. This website is owned by ProQuest, which is a leading search engine and database for millions of scholarly articles. This article provides a detailed analysis of the techniques that can be used to clean up an oil spill. It also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. Griggs, T. (2014). Oil-hurricane mix could spell disaster for Gulf areas. Web. This article contains the perspectives of several environmental experts and scientists concerning the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on seafood and the coastal populations. The perspectives are based on the interviews conducted after the oil spill. IEM. (2010). A study of the economic impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. New York: IEM. This report was prepared by the IEM, which is a leading global security consulting firm. The repor t highlights the economic impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the seafood industry. It covers issues such as reduced supply of seafood after the oil spill. Kaushik, A. (2006). Perspectives in Environmental Studies. New York, NY : McGrwa-Hill. This textbook is meant for students in colleges and universities. It covers several topics in environmental studies such as conservation, pollution, and oil spills in the sea. It provided vital information concerning the effects of oil on seafood and the techniques for managing the effects. Krisberg, K. (2010). U.S. Gulf oil spill poses public health threat: Responses targeting workers, residents, food, and air quality. This article was obtained from the Nation Health, which is a monthly publication of the American Public Health Association. The article provides information on the strategies that are used to clean up the sea after an oil spill. Michel, J, Shigenaka, G Hoff, R. (2013). Oils spill response and cleanup techniques. This article was obtained from the website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which is a federal agency that conducts scientific research on oceans. The article provides insights on the methods for responding to the effects of oil spills in the sea. Trevors, J. Saier, M. (2010). The legacy of oil spills. Water Air Soil Pollut, 211(1), 1-3. This peer-reviewed journal article provides information on various effects of oil spills. Thus, it was useful for obtaining information concerning the effects of oil spill on seafood. Upton, H. (2011). The Deeepwater Horizon oil spill and the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry. Washington D.C: Congressional Research Service . This report was prepared for the US Congress by the Congressional Research Service. It highlights the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the supply of seafood such as fish in Mexico and Florida. This report on Effect of Oil Spills on Seafood was written and submitted by user Natalie Noel to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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